Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

“How Do I Become A Christian” 7/12/17

“I’d like to know how to become a Christian,” she asked, standing at my office door, smiling and looking completely relaxed. What? Did I hear her right? I haven’t heard that kind of question for a long time. I sat her down and began asking questions. “What’s your name?” “Nazgol Makki,” she replied, “I have been walking around town looking for a church that is open and my friend told me about yours.”

“Tell me about yourself,” I asked. “I’m Persian, born into a Muslim family in Iran and studying here in America, just finishing a master’s program. I can’t explain it but I have felt very drawn to Christianity during the past few weeks.”

Had she read a Bible? Know anything about Jesus? Understand at all what the cross meant? No was her answer. I then carefully took her through several passages in the New Testament – John 3:16, Romans chapter 3, Ephesians 2:8-10, explaining the sin issue, God’s remedy in Christ, the cross and resurrection and making a personal decision. Did she understand? Yes, she said, and then with no reservations at all prayed with me, opening her heart to Jesus and inviting Him to be Savior and Lord of her life.

On Sunday she attended the 9 am service. Loved it. Everybody was so friendly. Never heard singing like that. Understood Jeff’s message. Began reading her New Believer’s Bible, relishing every page. Then came Monday night and Alison and I prayed over her for an half-hour. “I am so happy,” she said as she left. Alison and I just looked at each other, shook our heads, and smiled. It’s just unbelievable what God can do.

Moving Up: Celebrating 5th graders moving into 6th grade during our first service last Sunday. Photo, Greg

 Prayer Needs This Week…

  • 124 kids at Vacation Bible School; may many come to know Jesus this week
  • Concert Sunday evening with renown Vineyard worship leader Ray McDonald
  • God’s intervention in a business crisis for one of our members
  • “Shine” Bible study; restart of Barnabas Cottage women’s group; Glory Gals
  • Pray for the Tuesday evening Men’s Study led by Greg Sowle
  • Daily morning prayer/worship
  • Youth worship night, every other Monday evening
  • Young adults study- high school to early 30’s

Forget: who hurt you yesterday but not those who love you today

Forget: all the pain but never the lessons you gained.

Thanking God for His grace and goodness. Thanking God for you.

Pastor Jay