Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

Remember the Camel 8/22/17

A Verse I Need Every Day: “If we confess our sins, God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”  1 John 1:9

A few thoughts this week that have often inspired me. (** is my response)

  • The greatest prayer you can pray is, “Lord, Your will be done, not mine.”
    ** easier said than done
  • The depth of love is how much we forgive.
    ** tough to forgive those who have crushed us, but so necessary
  • If you can’t find joy in the direction you’re going, you might change direction.
    ** there’s nothing better than to be happy and contented in what you do
  • Tension doesn’t mean something is wrong, it means something is happening.
    ** same with feeling pressure
  • The truth that makes people free is the truth most people do not want to hear.
    ** like Jesus is the only way to the Father; or the Bible overrules popular culture
  • When things appear to be falling apart they are at times falling into place.
    ** I experienced this when my house burned in ‘93’
  • Character is what we are when no one is watching.
    ** failed the test when in the car earlier today
  • Love brings the greatest joy, but love also brings the greatest pain.
    ** ask anyone who has been cast aside by someone they’ve loved
  • What you are is God’s gift to you. What you become is your gift to God.
    ** a good prayer: “Lord, I desire to be all You want me to be.”
  • The place where you pray is the place of endless possibilities.
    ** prayer can change history; behind the success at Dunkirk was a day of prayer/fasting
  • Things work out best for those who make the best of how things work out.
    ** trust God and persevere no matter what takes place in your life

The Camel: God’s Creative Genius:
A camel can drink 27 gallons of water in 10 minutes, then can carry a 400 lb load across the desert for 100 miles without needing to eat or drink; it’s hump is comprised of fat and weighs about 80 lbs, an emergency, internal food supply; it’s specially engineered feet cannot sink into the sand; thick eyebrows shades its eyes from the blazing desert sun; perfectly designed knee pads enable the camel to lower its 1000 lbs safely to the ground; nose muscles keep sand out of its nostrils in the worst of desert storms; as for food, a camel can eat anything – leather rope, cactus, virtually anything. (Oh, the wonder of God’s designs)

Prayer Needs This Week…

  • Anne Fenton – full recovery from a stroke suffered last week
  • Starting up of the Friday Beth Moore study and Barnabas Cottage
  • One of our members had a back pack stolen over the weekend with some really important papers inside. Pray it is recovered.
  • Pray for the safety of Ty Fleming, stationed overseas.
  • Jerry Abbott passed last week; pray for his wife and family
  • Marriages needing help
  • The new school year coming up; safety for all the kids

Remember the camel. God can do anything.

Pastor Jay