Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

The Place of Endless Possibilities 10/2/18

Wherever you pray is a place of endless possibilities.” The moment Alex Phillips shared this jewel during an Upper Room morning prayer meeting a few years ago, I jotted it down. It gripped my heart. And reminded me that nothing is impossible with God. God can do anything.

What are you currently facing? What troubles, challenges or problems are you experiencing, leaving you exhausted, frustrated or perhaps hurt. There’s a place to go to find help. It’s where you pray. That place you are able to most easily draw yourself to God. Comfort and inspiration are found there.

As most of you know, Nikki and I recently took a trip to Ireland. And while away, lots of prayer needs surfaced. So I begin this letter, asking you to pray for the issues I will now list…

  • Gary Norris, who attended our church for many years, died last week. His wife Joyce wrote that Gary’s favorite verse was “For me to live is Christ, to die is gain.” Philippians 1:21
  • Margy Coleman’s sister Liz who lives in Rome has been very ill, fighting to live
  • Ken Brooks – healing after a four-hour surgery for skin cancer
  • Pastor Mike Montgomery – mostly bedridden these days in Florida; very weak
  • Barbara Corneilus’ brother Tom passed recently
  • Pathma Nathan, a friend in Malaysia, whose wife is 5 months pregnant but the baby is having kidney and other problems, including a shortage of amniotic fluids.
  • Jackie Chamberlain’s adoption process goes smoothly, and if it does, she will have a son from China coming somewhere around the end of the year. His name is Vin. I’m calling him Vinnie already.
  • Nathan, nine years old and a foster kid, just placed in the home of a Christian friend. Pray all goes well.
  • Bible translator named Rebecca, living in Ghana, battling ulcer issues.
  • Here’s  a list of the kids in the El Morro Good News Club…Sebastian-Dorian-Selah-Stella-Sofia-David-Lila-Gisella-Isabella
  • Pray for our nation

Free To Love Again: A Divorce recovery workshop which I highly recommend, taking place at Vineyard Community Church Thursday & Friday, October 4-5….

Jeff’s Wednesday night Deeper Walk Class, an in-depth look at the passage taught on Sunday

 A Word for You: “Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, ‘I will try again tomorrow.’”

Could not pass this photo up. Brought me a lot of joy as I’m sure it will you.

May God be merciful to all of us in a really crazy world.

Pastor Jay