Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

Honoring the Boll Weevil 5/6/19

“And we know all things work together for the good for those who love God, who are called according to His purpose.”  Romans 8:28

In southern Alabama lies the town of Enterprise, located in Coffee County, and there they have erected a monument to the Mexican boll weevil. Why in the world would they honor an insect? Because in 1895, boll weevils destroyed the major crop of the county, cotton, and in desperation to survive, the farmers planted a new crop – peanuts.

By 1919 the peanut crop became many times more profitable than what cotton had even been. The Alabama economy exploded as peanuts became so popular. So Enterprise decided to build a memorial. The inscription reads in part: “In profound appreciation of the boll weevil and what it has done as the herald of prosperity.” The farmers of Coffee County had learned a wonderful truth – out of adversity had come blessing. Out of a time of crisis had come new life. What appeared terrible became something wonderful.

What boll weevils are eating away at your life. Illness? Finances? Confusion? Relational breakdown? Feeling betrayed? A broken heart? Can you believe that the present trouble in your life is going to turn around? That coming your way is very likely a divine reversal? That your present distress will ultimately turn out for the good? That you can trust God no matter how fierce the storm in your life?

Well, that’s not so easy, is it? When you are right in the middle of it all, so burdened you can barely think, it’s hard to believe God is at work. That something wonderful is even possible. But just read the verse at the top again. Out of your present trouble good is on the way. God will redeem your distress. He will see you through. That’s a promise.

This is Daisy Mae’s cottage in the canyon, on Woodland Drive. Daisy has been in a wheel chair her whole life and is now in her 70’s. She just went through two surgeries, her eyes and neck. Please pray for a rapid recovery, especially for her neck which was the most recent surgery. The good news is the eye surgery is restoring lost sight.

Prayer Needs This Week…

  • Pray for all our school teachers as the school year starts winding down – for energy, wisdom, and a good finish.
  • And for all students likewise.
  • Pray for Pastor Sam as this year’s Refuge and Impact draws to a close.
  • And ditto for Pastor Toby and the children’s ministry.
  • Pray for high school seniors making their choices for college.
  • Cathleen Falsani’s mother Helen, battling terminal cancer
  • And also Patty Tacklind’s father getting cancer treatment

And God Created Dialects: I have a Chinese missionary friend named Sufen. She writes a monthly devotional in two languages. Here is Exodus 14:13 in first English, then Chinese.

“Do not be afraid. Stand still and see the salvation of the LORD, which He will accomplish for you today.”………摩西對百姓說:「不要懼怕,只管站住!看耶和華今天向你們所要施行的救恩.” (出埃及記)

 I am asking God would encourage all of you feeling any discouragement.

Pastor Jay