Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

A Black Pit 5/20/19

And Jesus said, “Even so, I tell you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God, over one sinner who repents.”  Luke 15:10

He was a shy young man, quiet, reclusive, always sitting in the back, never saying much. He claimed to be an atheist. But feeling something real, He kept coming to meetings. One night he asked the leader if they could talk. Walking into the office, he suddenly burst into tears, describing the black pit he was in, the darkness that engulfed his life.

The leader carefully listened and then began sharing his testimony, how God had once turned his life around. That God wanted to forgive him and offered a brand new life, full of light and not darkness. And soon the young man bowed his head and asked Christ into his life, forgiven for his sin in just a manner of moments.

Upon leaving, he headed downtown listening to music when suddenly he heard an audible voice say, “I’ve missed you, my son. I love you so much.” He looked into the back seat thinking someone was in the car. Nobody was there. And since that night, he can’t stop telling his friends all God has done.

This is a true story and just recently happened. You may find it hard to believe that God would speak audibly to someone. But I don’t, though God has never spoken like that to me. God has spoken in such a way to my wife Nikki. And others I’ve met. God speaks to us in multiple and diverse ways, when we are in silent prayer, in His Word, through others, in circumstances and even prophetic words.

For me the miracle is not that God spoke so directly. No, the miracle is this young man repenting and receiving new life. As we studied in Luke just a few months ago, when this takes place, all the angels of heaven rejoice.  (Luke 15:1-10)

The beautiful grounds at St. Andrew’s Abbey where the church retreated last weekend.

 Prayer Needs This Week…

  • This young man who received Christ, that he would grow as a believer
  • Artist Mike Heintz, undergoing serious back surgery tomorrow
  • The many dealing with minor to major cancer issues
  • This request that could be from a few I know: “I am not sure what to do with my aging mom (or dad). I need direction from God
  • Comfort at Wednesday’s memorial for the members of Robin Tench’s family over the loss of a loved one.
  • (K) having extensive oral surgery; just a teen, this is very challenging
  • Miraculous healing for Mark, a friend of one of our members, who just went through a 6 hour surgery

Final Thought: “In political-mindedness we lose our spiritual-mindedness.” Father Francis at the retreat on Friday evening.

May God sustain each one of you who feel exhausted and worn out.

Pastor Jay