Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

A Prophetic Word 1/6/20

I come from a charismatic background (Vineyard, Foursquare, early Calvary Chapel) and value the gifts and expressions of the Holy Spirit. I believe spiritual gifts are important for the body of Christ to function properly. Of all the gifts listed in 1 Corinthians, Paul make this observation about prophecy as he opens the 14th chapter: “Pursue love, yet desire earnestly spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy (1 Corinthians 14:1). Then he explains what prophecy is: “One who prophesies speaks to others for edification, encouragement, exhortation and comfort.” (1 Corinthians 14:3)

So the test for prophesy is that it encourages, exhorts, consoles. I receive prophetic words from time to time and test them accordingly. That’s how I determine if I feel a prophetic utterance given to me is likely real, true. I was forwarded the prophetic word written below recently and it so resonated I am sharing it with you this week.

“The glory of God is not diminished. It is not threatened. His power is as strong as the day He spoke light into existence. His kingdom domain is not shrinking. No! Instead it is accelerating, everywhere on earth.

God’s glory is not diminished. Truth is unmasking false gods, liars and fakers. Corruption is on the run. Slavery’s back is being broken daily. Hatred doesn’t stand a chance. Evil and his minions shake with fear at the whispers of The Name. One little word sends dark forces reeling….Jesus.

God’s glory is not diminished. Freedom, deliverance, and healing are being poured out in great measure. Salvation is flourishing. Love and kindness are in bloom and will not wither. The poor are being lifted up. Justice and mercy are being multiplied.

God’s glory is not diminished. The sounds of worship from every continent are growing louder and louder. Yes, Satan’s rebellion and treacherous defiance are on their last legs. He will bow along with everything else. The match is lit. Evil will go up in smoke.

This chapter in time is closing minute by minute. Open your spiritual eyes! Look up, saint, be encouraged. My eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord. God’s glory is not diminished.”

** I am greatly encouraged by this word. Perhaps you only relate to part of it. Then take the part that speaks to you and leave the rest. It’s like eating chicken. Eat the good part and throw out the bones. For me, I savored each sentence.

We have been praying for Christina (right) who is an Arab Christian in Israel and who recently has been fighting for her life with multiple health issues. Next to her is a beloved friend of Little Church, Laurel Sternberg, who lives in Israel and attends the same fellowship as Christina. We are happy to report Christina has made some progress in recovery and is doing better. But challenges remain.

Prayer Need This Week – pray God would reveal His choice for the next youth pastor at our church. Candidates are currently being interviewed.

 This new year number reminds me of 20/20 eye vision and I have been praying recently that in 2020 God will give all of us clarity, eyes to see what He is doing, and a clear sense of His will for this beginning of a new decade.

May God release into our lives crystal clear spiritual vision for 2020.

Pastor Jay