Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

At This Crazy/Unpredictable Time 3/23/20

Weekly Monday Prayer Message For Monday, March 23, 2020

 There’s one verse of Scripture that has grabbed me more than any other at this crazy and unpredictable time. And if we can do it, life will become immeasurably better for all of us. Here it is:

          “Whatever is true, whatever is right, whatever is good, whatever is lovely, whatever is pure, whatever is kind, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence or virtue, let your mind dwell on these things.”  Philippians 4:8

 If we can do this, and banish fear, worry, anxiety, and negative musings, we are all going to do so much better, no matter what news comes our wayThere’s incredible power in how we use our mind. “As a man thinks within his heart, so he is.” Proverbs 23:7

Change: Back in the 1970’s, in the heart of the burgeoning Jesus Movement, cassette teaching tapes were the way all of us received extra Bible training, apart from the weekly meetings we’d attend. There was no social media, no computers, I-Pads, cell phones, thus no Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, texting nor emails. It was a much simpler time.

The charming old preacher, Bob Mumford was a favorite of mine. His Southern drawl, infectious laugh, brilliant style of preaching, story-telling and excitement for God captured my heart. And I once saw him in person at a meeting in Mission Viejo. Bob had a favorite saying that I’ve used many times in my own messages. “Change is always difficult but when God is in it, then it’s always worthwhile.”

You and I are now living in unprecedented change. We can hardly keep up with the changes occurring every day. Just a week ago, I held the last open meeting at Little Church, morning prayer where we all sat 6 feet apart from each other and prayed. The next thing I know the church goes on lockdown, we are all told to stay home, and ministry suddenly shifts to online. So this leads me to my current schedule.

  1. I am now writing a daily prayer message with suggested Scripture and prayer needs, Tuesday through Saturday. It will be posted on the church’s website, and I am also sending it by email to the regulars who have attended morning meetings. This will take the place of our daily morning gatherings at the church. The difference is we need to now discipline ourselves at home to actually spend time with God, reading the Word, worshiping and praying.
  2. The church will be presenting a Sunday morning service online, through Facebook and Instagram, starting at 10 am.
  3. And then on Mondays, I will send out by email my Weekly Prayer Letter, which goes out to over 600 people, a more in-depth message, compared to the other daily messages. If you are not receiving the Weekly Prayer Letter, send me your email and I will add you on to my contact lists. This message will be posted on our website, as it has in the past.
  4. Finally, I will soon be launching my own YouTube channel, offering daily devotionals. I will let you know when that starts up. These will be brief 7-8 minute daily messages of encouragement.

Monday, March 23, 2020

Suggested Scripture – Isaiah chapter 55, a fascinating section of Scripture full of exhortation, promises, and joy, for both now and in the future. Read it a couple of times.

“And do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God.”  Romans 12:2

Prayer Needs This Week…

  • Continue to pray God that will soon end this coronavirus pandemic
  • That God would use this time to reach many with the saving news of Christ Jesus
  • Pray for enough medical equipment for hospitals/clinics now experiencing shortage
  • Pray for the doctors, nurses and hospital workers so closely working with patients
  • Pray all believers would stay connected to God and their churches at this time
  • That no one would slowly drift off due to isolation, boredom, too much TV, etc.
  • That we continue to believe “that God causes all things to work together for the good for those who love God and have been called according to His purpose.”  Romans 8:28
  • For the children, to feel safe and loved

Finally: Sending encouragement to all of you – Pastor Jay