Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

Consumed by Caring – Saturday, March 28

Daily Prayer Message, For Saturday, March 28

 Consumed by Caring

I received the prayer/poem below from Mary Hurlbut a few years ago and saved it. I loved the message but wasn’t sure when I might use it. Was re-reading it today and thought now is the time, how apropos it felt for the COVID-19 virus challenge. How we need to pray hard for those caretakers out there, on the front lines, tending to all those who are ill.

“We pray for all whose lives
are consumed by caring,
for the long-term needs
of children, parents,
the elderly or infirm,
and whose patience
love and commitment
is sometimes tested
beyond the point of breaking.
Grant them strength, Lord,
Bless them as they give
from that deep well
within their hearts,
and in moments of despair
draw near, and hold them
safe within Your loving arms.”

Saturday’s Scripture – 1 John chapter 1 – Located in this beautiful chapter is one verse that has been a lifesaver for me. “If we confess our sins, God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”  How glorious to receive full forgiveness and cleansing when we confess.

Saturday’s Prayer Focus

  • The doctors and nurses working endlessly, day and night, risking their own health and lives, making sure we all stay healthy and safe.
  • That God would use this virus to draw people to Him. That many would realize how brief life is and how fast everything can change.
  • An accelerated end to this virus worldwide
  • A speedy recovery and recuperation from recent surgeries – Steve Krantz (knee); Nikki Grant (shoulder); Tricia Reis (thyroid)
  • We’ve had a couple of births in the church since the virus outbreak. It’s wonderful but nobody in the families can hold the babies. Truly heartbreaking.

Don’t forget to put the full armor of God on today (Ephesians 6:10-18)…..P Jay