Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

Refuge & Impact 5/17/16

Refuge & Impact: I admire a number of people in my life and right at the top of my list is Pastor Sam and his youth leaders, KJ, Billy and Taylor as well as a number of volunteers. I watch how they reach out to the hundred or more kids who attend Refuge and Impact every week and I never cease to be amazed. My focus this week is upon our junior/senior high ministry at Little Church and what may be the most fruitful part of it. If you ever stopped by the Fellowship Hall on a Tuesday or Thursday evening you know exactly what I am talking about. You can’t believe how much excitement and joy and fun the kids truly experience. So much of it comes from superb leadership.

I frankly have no idea how Sam does it. Example. Taking 55 kids and leaders to Peru in February. How in the world can he organize such a trip? I take maybe seven people with me when I visit Thailand and it’s a lot of work to synchronize all of it. Just the itinerary  is time consuming let alone airline tickets, accommodations, team preparation, etc. To be honest there’s no way I could facilitate the trips Sam takes. It’s a special gift to coordinate it all and he has it. His ability to form a team that works so well together is remarkable. But even more, they are all friends. It doesn’t get any better.

Prayer Focus This Week…

  • Pray for one of Sam’s leaders, Josh Sourwine, dearly loved by all of us. A gifted carpenter and maintenance expert, Josh sliced his right index finger working with a table saw today and says any mobility in that finger is now questionable. He has no health insurance and will have some large medical bills. He needs to find some kind of alternate work also until his finger heals.
  • Pray for wisdom, discernment, insight, anointing and protection for Pastor Sam.
  • Pray for our interns Taylor, Billy and KJ who when their internship ends in a few weeks find God’s direction for the next season of their lives.
  • Pray for all those junior/senior high kids coming to the church, who in a very challenging culture are seeking to live God’s way.
  • Pray for the new interns who we will be selecting soon for the next school year.
  • Pray for kids who have attended Refuge and Impact in the past and strayed away, that they will come back.
  • Pray for the power of the Holy Spirit to be very significant in this ministry

Pastor Sam, his dad Mark and mom Sally and three locals reached out to on the recent Peru Trip.

Some of our youth working hard in preparing food for an outreach to Skid Row last weekend

From Pastor Steve in his message last Sunday: “If you want to be in the will of God you will be.”

And this word of wisdom from him: “I do not pray for a lighter load but a stronger back.”

“Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing that you may abound in His hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.” Romans 15:13

Be encouraged everyone. You are much loved by God.

Pastor Jay