Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

Not Alone 8/1/16

Feedback: Last week I penned a devotional – “Out of Joint” where I confessed that I’ve not been myself lately, feeling annoyed, irritated and out of sorts. I discovered there’s lots of others in the same boat. Here are a few responses. I’m not sharing names as much written is personal…

“Snappy, short and grouchy,… Yep, that’s me, all day today!  Thank you for describing myself to a tee! Just wanted you to know you’re not alone.”

“Sometimes I wonder if it is cyclical or just the normal ups and downs of life, but I am feeling the same way.  Like everywhere I go, everything is very prickly and pokes me.  It makes me just want to stay home and not talk to many people or go many places.”

“Sharing these honest stories of when we feel downright yucky, perhaps is being used by the One who knows all.  That someone needed to know you have moments that last a while, of heart-empty, joy-devoid days.  Like me.  I needed this today. In the middle of my dark, lonely living room, not only is our Messiah there, but apparently you are right there, too.  And even though it is dark, I can see you.  And it feels a lil less daunting.  And perhaps tomorrow, we will get up and go outside.”

“Jay, if it’s any consolation, you’re not the only one who is feeling that way these days. At least three other women and I have felt it (kinda like road rage, or wanting to ring someone’s neck). We confessed, repented and prayed for one another, thanking God that we caught it before opening our mouths.”

“How can you not be out of joint? We’ve never lived in a world like this. You’ve got to have your head in the sand if you’re not concerned.”

“When this happens it always makes us long for ‘a day in His courts.’  Restore unto Jay, Lord, the joy of his salvation and renew a right spirit within him. I’m glad you have Nikki in your life and by your side. She is a wonderful and loving wife.”

“Thank you for your honestly and vulnerable heart, Jay. I wish someone could pop things into place for me, too. Praying for you. Thanks for always keeping it real.”

“Let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes. (Ephesians 4:23)  So powerful!”

“Maybe it’s not an attitude adjustment you need. It could be you are fed up with the foolishness in this world.”

“I know how you feel Jay… I’ve been feeling “out of joint” myself!  I think part of it is the Sawdust… every day for over two months can wear on you!”

“We just have to hang on for a little while longer.”

“From an old preacher: “We pray like it all depends on God to fix it, and we do everything we can do, as if it all depends on us.”

“My unsolicited comment, as someone who spent two decades writing a novel about anger: All anger comes from pain. Contemplate the source of your pain, and take it from there.”

“God bless you for being a real, authentic, and transparent man. Wonderful to have your beloved wife come along beside you and loving you through it. Most marriages do not experience this love and support. What an example.”

“I feel like I just get through one dilemma, challenge, or trial, and more comes along the way. I know I am learning a ton of new things. However, it would be fantastic to have a break between them. I can say I feel less fearful then I have ever been before. Praise God for his help and refinement.”

“I think we all find it difficult, trying to be upbeat in this crazy world. We never know what evil will strike next. I went to a kids movie today with my 9 year old granddaughter and  looked at every stranger as a possible danger, then came home to hear the news of the latest terror in France. I am trying to keep my faith strong but sometimes it’s not easy.”

On the feelings
I’m glad you are so real
It helps me feel real too”

“I find in my heart of hearts chambers, a terrific yearning for perfect unity and peace, and pure hope, that only Jesus will bring at His coming.”

“If I came to you with your problem, you would probably tell me to fast and pray, seek The Lord, and ask Him to break any strongholds that are gripping me.”

“I have felt an un-ease as well…not exactly sure what it is either but I will say that during worship Sunday there was a place in one of the songs that I started singing in tongues. I then felt God’s presence and a settling in my spirit.”

“We all forget you’re not a machine. One of the things I’m sensitive to is spiritual warfare and when it might be occurring more intensely.”

“Jay, I’ve not been myself for a long time and I just fake it, yep I fake it. Like that old Nat King Cole song goes:

Smile though your heart is aching
Smile even though it’s breaking
When there are clouds in the sky, you’ll get by
If you smile through your fear and sorrow
Smile and maybe tomorrow
You’ll see the sun come shining through for you

And, that with prayer, I pray, will get your through this tough time.”

**Note – feeling better. Thanks for all the encouragement, admonitions and caring. I loved these comments. So very real.

From Pastor Sam: “Summer 2016 at Camp Pondo was incredible! Thank you for all the prayers!” 

Prayer Needs This Week…

  • Pray for the 52 kidsreturning from Camp Pondo, that all God did is sealed to their hearts
  • Pray for our new interns – Logan, Kevin, andAubrey as well as Taylor who is returning
  • Luke, six months old, needs heart surgery for a leaking valve
  • Kids Camp at the Radach Center in Ghana, Africa. 500 kidsexpected. 109 gave their hearts to Christ last year
  • Chris– mother soon to pass
  • Scott familyover the passing of Rick’s dad Monte last Thursday
  • Any young personwho is struggling with addiction/substance abuse issues
  • Marriagesin crisis
  • And from a mother: “Desperate for prayers for my son.”

Finally: No political candidate, no government, nothing man can do will solve the ills of this world. Only God can handle this.
