Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

Luke 20:20-40

Jay Grant’s message on Luke 20:20-40

Sermon notes:

The Sahara Sand-Viper Snake

Luke 20:20-26

The Religious Leaders Question Jesus

20 And the religious leaders, the scribes and chief priests, watched Jesus, sending spies who pretended to be sincere, in order that they might catch Him saying something, so they could deliver Him up to the Roman authorities. 21 They asked Him, “Teacher, we know You speak what is right, and you are partial to no one, but teach the way of God in truth. 22 Is it lawful for us to pay taxes to Caesar, or not?” 23 But He detected their trickery and said, 24”Show me a denarius. Whose image and inscription does it have?” And they said, “Caesar’s.” 25 And Jesus said, ”Then render to Caesar what is Caesar’s and render to God the things that are God’s.” 26 And they were unable to trap Him, marveling at His answer, and they became silent.

Luke 20:27-40

Jesus and the Resurrection From the Dead

27 Then Sadducees, who did not believe in the resurrection, came to Jesus. 28 And they questioned Him saying, “Teacher, Moses wrote that if a man’s brother dies, leaving a wife and no children, his brother should take the wife and raise up offspring for his brother. 29 Now there were seven brothers and the first took a wife and died with no children. 30 And the second. 31 And the third took her, and in like manner, all seven died leaving no children. 32 Finally, the woman also died. 33 Now in the resurrection, whose wife will the woman be? For all seven married her.

34 And Jesus said, “The people of this world marry and are given in marriage. 35 But those worthy to gain the next world and the future age and the resurrection from the dead, neither marry nor are given in marriage; 36 For they cannot die again, as they are like angels, sons of God and sons of the resurrection. 37 But that the dead are raised, Moses showed in the passage of the burning bush when he calls the Lord, The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. 38 Now He is not the God of the dead, but of the living, for all live to Him.” 39 And some of the scribes replied, ”Teacher, You have spoken well. 40 And they did not dare to question Him again.

What We Learn From Luke 20:27-40

The Metamorphosis of Believers

1.    Vs 29-32 reminds us we are all passing from this earth (Hebrews 9:27)

2.    Vs 34-35 shows us heaven will be far different from this world; no marriage

3.    Vs 35  tells us you must be accounted worthy to attain resurrection

4.    Vs 36 reveals we will be like angels, sons of God, immortal and incorruptible; when we die receiving a new, transformed and glorious spiritual body.

5.    Vs 36 this means we will leave behind forever our old physical body, and our carnal, selfish and sinful nature. It will be a thing of the past.

6.    Vs 37-38 we will live with God, alive to Him, forever and ever

7.    This is the great metamorphosis of the believer; an astonishing change