Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

Posts by Greg Sowle (Page 17)

The Stranger 7/17/18

The  Stranger A few years after I was born, my dad and mom met a stranger who was new to our small town. From the beginning, they were fascinated with this enchanting newcomer and soon invited him to live with our family. The stranger was quickly accepted and was around from then on. As I grew up, I never…

Long Before The Cosmos Danced 7/10/18

My message this week is the video below, the Gospel in Poetry; click box in bottom right for full screen… ** I thought these two passages went beautifully with the video.. “Behold, the glory of the God of Israel was coming from the way of the east and His voice was like the sound…

The Black Regiment 7/3/18

The American Revolution Christians played a major role in the abolition of slavery, in women’s suffrage and in the civil rights movement of Dr. Martin Luther King. And as we celebrate our freedom this week on the 4th of July, a look at the history of the War of Independence reveals tremendous Christian impact. Here are…

Wisdom For All of Us 6/26/18

Once upon a time there was a king who yearned for words of wisdom to rule by. So the king summoned his counselors and said, “Please give me truth, some wise words, that no matter what I’m going through, they will sustain me, give me hope, and keep me from discouragement. I need wisdom to…

What is Kavannah? 6/19/18

Are you Praying with Kavannah ?: In Hebrew, to pray with “kavannah” means to pray from the heart. True prayer is less about what one says and more about how one says it. Praying with “kavannah” is entering into a real place of longing over what or whom is our object of prayer. Intercession means…

Pastor Sam’s Challenge 6/12/18

Huge Prayer Need: As most of you know, our youth pastor Sam Ellis left for Mozambique, Africa two weeks ago to attend the Harvest Ministry School run by the world renown evangelist/healer Heidi Baker and her husband Rolland. God has already met Sam in many extraordinary ways and he is thriving spiritually there. However, a…

Falling into a Pit 6/4/18

Mike Hunter and his boy Asher taken on the Church Play Date last week This week, a little lighter fare for those of you with a sense of humor. And frankly, I think a sense of humor is desperately needed these days.… A man fell into a pit and could not get out… A fire…

A Humble Offering 5/29/18

A Tender Heart: Sharing with you this week a letter I received awhile back. Actually it’s a prayer of someone very grateful to God. Such sweet and moving thoughts. Penned anonymously… “Dear Lord, I love Your blessings. My little house and surroundings are beautiful day after day. The events in my life are often immensely…

Something Different This Week 5/22/18

Finding Hidden Treasure An age of alienation Futility grips the mind Darkness hailed as the light By prophets of the blind God is dead or so they say In schools He has been banned Fancy words of emptiness Keep raining on the land Mighty strongholds bind the weak Chains of fear and shame Intoxicated to…

Golden Splendor and Blazing Light 5/9/18

“Out of the north comes golden splendor and blazing light; God comes in awesome majesty. The Almighty is beyond our reach and exalted in power; in His justice and great righteousness, He does not oppress. Therefore men revere Him, yet God does not have regard for those conceited in heart.” Job 37:22-24 This is one…