Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

Posts by Greg Sowle (Page 25)

You Are What You Behold 8/9/16

What’s Going On In Your Head? Whatever you focus on. What you give attention to. What you constantly think about. What you look at. What you ruminate over… assured of this, you give it power over your life. And whatever it is will impart either good or evil. Affect you for the better or worse. Lift you up or take you down. Make…

Not Alone 8/1/16

Feedback: Last week I penned a devotional – “Out of Joint” where I confessed that I’ve not been myself lately, feeling annoyed, irritated and out of sorts. I discovered there’s lots of others in the same boat. Here are a few responses. I’m not sharing names as much written is personal… “Snappy, short and grouchy,… Yep, that’s me, all day today!  Thank you…

Out of Joint 7/26/16

On Sunday, Jeff mentioned that we can sometimes get “out of joint,” meaning we are not ourselves, that something has put us into a state that is not usual or normal. He shared how his foot went out of joint when he was surfing once. Very painful and distressing. I’ve been “out of joint” lately. I don’t quite know why but I’m…

Where Was My Love? 7/19/16

Some Responses to Last Week’s Devotional on Love… From Dale Ghere :A friend sent me a letter today that included, “The nicest place to be is in someone’s thoughts, the safest place to be is in someone’s prayers, and the very best place to be is….WITH SOMEONE WHO LOVES YOU AS YOU ARE….Dale From Steve Dixon: Hi Pastor Jay, I was on my way home from…

Love Is Not Touchy 7/12/16

Nothing is More Important: When life is over, your life and mine will be measured by one overriding quality – love. Whether we loved or we didn’t love. We can perform thousands of good deeds in life but without real love there is no profit to anything we do. In other words, love is everything. So this is a question I must…

Placing Faith Over Fear 7/5/16

Call to Pray With Tears (from Sufen, a friend of Little Church and a Singaporean/Chinese missionary): In this prayer journey I am on, I have been feeling God’s heart for His people more and more, and in a deeper way. Many times in the past year when I prayed for the nations, I had no words to pray but kept weeping. In the…

When Your Heart Sings 6/28/16

An Epiphany: It was one of those moments that don’t come your way too often. Just a few minutes of complete joy. Where your heart sings and you are glad to be alive. For me it was a feast for my eyes after a time of busyness and weariness of soul. I stood there and marveled, just a few steps from my…

Time To Leave The Nest 6/21/16

A Cozy Hideaway: The sides of my garage door are graced by decorative outside lights. Think street lamps in Victorian England. At the base are three small openings, barely wide enough to allow a small bird to squeeze through. Sure enough, every spring nest-building commences, with tiny homes appearing inside the lamps, perfectly-shaped feathered nests made of twigs, string, foxtails, grass and…

Still Missing Him 6/14/16

Victor Ethan Grant entered this world on November 30, 1908, one of eight children. His grandfather Charles had immigrated from Scotland to Canada in the 1850’s and the family eventually crossed into America, taking residence in Wisconsin first and then settling in Illinois. In his early 20’s Vic drove from Chicago to California in a Ford Model T in search of a…

Lash Yourself to the Helm 6/7/16

Encountering God: In 1820, at just 16 years of age, Richard Fuller entered Harvard University, graduated four years later, studied law and was admitted to the bar where he quickly rose to eminence as a lawyer. One day Fuller received a visitation from God that was so powerful he abandoned law and for the rest of his life devoted himself to Christian…