Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

Posts by Greg Sowle (Page 3)

An Astonishing Recovery 6/1/20

Weekly Prayer Message, Monday, June 1, 2020  An Astonishing Recovery On Wednesday, April 8, I wrote the following prayer need in my daily prayer message: “Nick – family member of Michelle Doherty, fighting to live.” He had contracted the coronavirus, had a compromised immune system, was elderly and the prospects for his recovery were dim. We started praying…

A note from your pastor: May 27, 2020

Hello, my friends! I have been spending the last week or so going through countless articles and webinars on how to effectively reopen our churches.  It has been quite an educational experience, to say the least!  I am so thankful to so many who have provided excellent counsel and perspective.  I just want you all to know that…

Final Daily Message, Tues 5/26

Daily Prayer Message, Tuesday, May 26, 2020  Final Daily Message On Tuesday, March 16, the church closed to all meetings due to the expanding pandemic and I began writing a daily prayer message, substituting it for the morning meeting and to additionally be posted online for the entire church. I knew beyond any shadow of a…

Power of Encouragement, Mon 5/25

Weekly Prayer Message, Monday, May 25, 2020 The Power of Encouragement I love to encourage others. I love to be encouraged. Few things in life are more wonderful to me than encouragement. To affirm someone. To call out who they are. To put them in touch with their real identity. To bless them. Speak life into…

To All Who…Sat 5/23

Daily Prayer Message, Saturday, May 23, 2020 To All Who… To all who are weary and need rest To all who mourn and need comfort To all who are lonely and need friends To all who feel empty and need God To all who feel ashamed, burdened with guilt To all who are weak, who have…

More Love To Thee, Fri 5/22

Daily Prayer Message, Friday, May 22, 2020 More Love To Thee I usually do not make a video the central focus of a daily prayer letter but this video is so unusually tender, sweet, beautiful and charming I am making an exception. I love the hymn and the vocalist singing is such a pure worshiper I…

Loving One Another, Thur 5/21

Daily Prayer Message, Thursday, May 21, 2020  Loving One Another God has created the church, the Body of Christ to excel at two things. First to love God with all out heart, all our soul, all our mind and all our strength. And then we are called to love one another. With everything we have. To…

A note from your pastor: May 20, 2020

Hello, my friends! Let me begin by reiterating just how much I miss you all!  I know this time of quarantine has been an emotional rollercoaster for all of us, and I often find myself getting caught up in anxiety or worry, seemingly out of nowhere.  My coping mechanism has always been some form of calculating or…

Pray With Kavanah, Wed 5/20

Daily Prayer Message, Wednesday, May 20, 2020 Pray With Kavanah A Window Into Prayer: In Hebrew, to pray with “kavanah” means to pray from the heart. Praying with “kavanah” is entering into a real place of yearning and longing over what or whom is our object of prayer, with selfless and sincere intention. Intercession means to…