Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

Sermons (Page 36)

Luke 7:36-50

Mark Ellis’ message on Luke 7:36-50 Sermon notes: Luke 7: 31-36 “To what then shall I compare the people of this generation, and what are they like?  They are like children sitting in the marketplace and calling to one another, We played the flute for you, and you did not dance; we sang a dirge, and…

Luke 7:17-35

Jeff Tacklind’s message on Luke 7:17-35 Sermon Notes: Stages of faith development… 1. Recognition of God 2. Life of discipleship 3. The productive life 4. The wall…things aren’t working anymore. There has to be more. 5. Inward journey…letting go of ego 6. Outward journey…surrender 7. The life of love Matthew 14:3-5 3 For Herod had seized John…

Luke 7:11-16

Jay Grant’s message on Luke 7:11-16 Sermon notes: LUKE 7:11-17 A WIDOW’S SON Soon after (healing the centurion’s servant), Jesus went to a town called Nain, accompanied by His disciples and a very large crowd. As Jesus drew near to the city gate, a man who had died was being carried out – the only…

Luke 7:1-10

Jeff Tacklind’s message on Luke 7:1-10 Sermon notes: Luke 7:1-10 English Standard Version (ESV) After he had finished all his sayings in the hearing of the people, he entered Capernaum. 2 Now a centurion had a servant who was sick and at the point of death, who was highly valued by him. 3 When the centurion heard about Jesus, he sent to him elders…

Easter message

Jeff Tacklind’s Easter message The Easter Effect and How it Changed the World “the joy of people who had become convinced that they were witnesses to something inexplicable but nonetheless true. Something that gave a superabundance of meaning to life and that erased the fear of death. Something that had to be shared. Something with…

Luke 6:43-49

Jay Grant’s message on Luke 6:43-49 Parable of “The Good and Bad Tree” Luke 6:43-45 “A good tree cannot bear bad fruit nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. A tree is identified by the fruit it produces. Figs never grow on thorn-bushes nor grapes from a briar plant. A good person produces good…

Luke 6:37-42

Jeff Tacklind’s message on Luke 6:37-42 Sermon notes: “Without the infinite personal God, all a person can do, as Nietzsche points out, is to make systems. In today’s speech we would call them game plans. A person can erect some sort of structure, some type of limited frame in which he lives, shutting himself up…

Luke 6:27-36

Greg Sowle’s message on Luke 6:27-36 The video is the audio of the message integrated in with the PowerPoint slides since this message relied heavily on the visuals for communication. 4min 5min 35sec 8min 40sec 14min 45sec 15min 50sec 16min 30sec 17min 50sec 19min 55sec 21min 40sec 22min 40sec 25min 50sec

Luke 6:12-26

Jeff Tacklind’s message on Luke 6:12-26 Sermon Notes: THE TWO FUNDAMENTAL QUESTIONS OF HUMANITY: 1.What is the good life? 2.Who are the good people? PROVERBS ON POVERTY Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will repay him for his deed. Prov. 19:17 Whoever oppresses a poor man insults his Maker, but he who is generous to the needy honors him. Prov. 14:31 Whoever gives to the poor will not want, but he who hides his eyes will get many a curse. Prov. 28:27 Whoever has a bountiful eye will be blessed, for he shares his bread with the poor. Prov. 22:9 “The books or the music in which we thought the beauty…

Luke 6:1-11

Jeff Tacklind’s message on Luke 6:1-11 Sermon Notes: “Look around you. In any city, even an old one, all that is visible now was not visible a century ago. Old houses get new skins, inside and out. Buildings come and go. Even in the wilderness, individual trees, bushes, and grass thrive and die, while entire…