Jay Grant’s message on Psalm 136 Psalm 136 contains the most significant/important/greatest Hebrew word for how God feels about His people. This Hebrew word is “hesed”. It’s a virtually indescribable word. A word of stunning meaning. It has no English equivalent. Translators strain to translate it. “Hesed” is a multi-dimensional word expressing all these English…
Jeff Tacklind’s message on Psalm 104
Jay Grant’s message on Psalm 86 SERMON NOTES Transforming Your Prayer Life Some Essentials of Prayer From Psalm 86 Why should we pray? First and foremost to speak with God; to tell God we love Him (worship, an intricate part of prayer); to ask for help when in trouble; to stand in the gap for…
Jeff Tacklind’s message on Psalm 73 SERMON NOTES: Thinking Tip #1: Be emotionally honest. Thinking Tip #2: When making decisions, consider the long term implications. What is the true cost or consequence? Thinking Tip #3: Beware of the downward spiral of thoughts and emotions feeding negatively off each other. Thinking Tip #4: Intentionally make the time and space to…
Toby Scott’s message on Psalm 63
Jay Gran’s message on Psalm 62
Jeff Tacklind’s message on Psalm 57 Sermon Notes: Reframing: changing the conceptual and/or emotional viewpoint in relation to which a situation is experienced and placing it in a different frame that fits the “facts” of a concrete situation equally well, thereby changing its entire meaning. Dysfunctional belief #1: Your qualifications for leadership are your capabilities, talents,…
Greg Sowle’s message on Psalm 55 Picture shown during sermon
Jeff Tacklind’s message on Psalm 46
Jay Grant’s sermon on Psalm 42