Jay Grant’s sermon on Acts 25:1-12 When We Wonder What Is Going On? 1. Sometimes life makes no sense whatsoever. For no apparent reason great difficulties suddenly hit us. We suffer a terrible loss; illness blindsides us; we’re overwhelmed with something. Why is Paul languishing in jail for over two years? What the heck is going…
Jeff Tacklind’s message on Acts 24
Mark Ellis’ sermon on Acts 23:12-35
Jeff Tacklind’s message on Acts 22:22-23:11
Jay Grant’s message on Acts 21:17 – 22:21
Jay Grant and Jeff Tacklind share their vision for Church by the Sea for 2017
Greg Sowle’s sermon on Acts 20:36-21:16 Application Notes: Immerse yourself in the Word Eph 6:17. The one offensive weapon of the armor of God in Ephesian 6:11-20 is the sword. Paul puts it this way: “The Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.” The Spirit and the Word are inseparable. If you want…
Jeff Tacklind’s message on Acts 20:1-35
Jay Grant’s sermon on Acts 19:23-41
Messages from Jay Grant, Chris Lizotte, Jeff Tacklind, Alison Hecht, and Claus Hecht