Jeff Tacklind continues our series on the Parables with Part 2 of the “The Vine and the Branches” in John 15:1-11
Jeff Tacklind continues our series on the Parables with Part 2 of the “The Vine and the Branches” in John 15:1-11
Jeff Tacklind continues our series on the Parables with the “The Vine and the Branches” in John 15:1-11
Jeff Tacklind continues our series on the Parables with the “Lost Sheep” in Luke 15:1-7
Jeff Tacklind interviews John Collins with the Bible Project
Jeff Tacklind continues our series on the Parables with the “Laborers in the Vineyard” in Matthew 20:1-16
Jeff Tacklind continues our series on the Parables with the “Parable of the Talents” in Matthew 25:14–30
Jeff Tacklind continues our series on the Parables with the “Parable of the Ten Minas” in Luke 19:11-27
Jeff Tacklind continues our series on the Parables with the “Parable of the Wedding Feast” in Luke 14:7-11
Jeff Tacklind continues our series on the Parables with the “Parable of the Wheat and the Weeds” in Matthew 13:24-30
Jeff Tacklind continues our series on the Parables with the “Parable of the Pearl” in Matthew 13:45-46