Pastor Jeff Tacklind continues our series on the Sermon on the Mount with “Blessed are the meek” from Matthew 5:5.
Pastor Jeff Tacklind continues our series on the Sermon on the Mount with “Blessed are the meek” from Matthew 5:5.
Pastor Jeff Tacklind continues our series on the Sermon on the Mount with “Blessed are those who mourn” from Matthew 5:4.
Pastor Jeff Tacklind begins our series on the Sermon on the Mount with “Blessed are the poor in spirit” from Matthew 5:3.
Pastor Jeff Tacklind preaches on joy for our Advent Series
Pastor Jeff Tacklind preaches from the story of Joseph in Genesis 45
Pastor Jeff Tacklind preaches from the story of Joseph in Genesis 44
Pastor Jeff Tacklind preaches from the story of Joseph in Genesis 43
Pastor Jeff Tacklind preaches from the story of Joseph in Genesis 42
Pastor Jeff Tacklind preaches from the story of Joseph in Genesis 41
Pastor Jeff Tacklind preaches from the story of Joseph in Genesis 37