We are a community of believers endeavoring to live as God's people with Christ as the central focus of our lives.

Acts 12:1-25

Jay Grant’s message on Acts 12:1-25

When Life Moves From Acts 11 to Acts 12
From Thrilling to Seeming Defeat
What Is Our Response?

  1. We are not caught off guard; we are realistic about life; we understand there are going to be good days and there are going to be some really tough days; we are not surprised when trouble hits. (John 16:33)
  2. We face these tough days head-on; and we do not fall apart; we do not retreat; we don’t run from our problems; or self-medicate; there’s a battle going on and we’re in it and we need to be strong. (Ephesians 6:10)
  3. We know there’s an enemy that we are at battle with; his strategies can always be seen; the enemy seeks to divide, separate, discourage us, get us to lose heart, isolate us, draw us into self-pity.(John 10:10)
  4. We need each other; we need those whom we trust standing with us; arm in arm, shoulder to shoulder; you don’t win battles alone; God has created the church to be at times an army; we go on the offensive, not staggering around on the defensive, muttering how bad life is. (Acts 12:5)
  5. We take our weapons of warfare and move ahead. What are they? Prayer, fasting, faith, worship, perseverance (1 Chronicles 20)
  6. We rejoice when there’s a victory; but if no victory comes, we regroup and keep going; The Christian life is not about always winning. You are going to suffer some defeats. There will be heartbreak and disappointment. But stay true to God no matter what. (2 Timothy 4:7)
  7. We believe that every trail is used of God to mold us into the image of Christ.