We are a community of believers endeavoring to live as God's people with Christ as the central focus of our lives.

Acts 19:1-22

Jay Grant’s message on Acts 19:1-22
The Power of the Word of God

The Word of God dramatically changes lives
The Word of God leads us to Christ and eternal life

Isaiah called it the “Book of God.”

Old Testament Scriptures and the Book of Acts

Deuteronomy – it teaches us the “fear of the Lord” (beginning of wisdom)
Deuteronomy – it reveals to us the “secret things of God’s heart”
Joshua – it produces “prosperity and success in life”
Psalm 18 – God’s Word reveals truth, “enlightens the heart”
Psalm 18 – it is “more desirable than gold”
Psalm 119 – teaches us how to “walk in God’s ways”
Psalm 119 – strengthens is “to not sin against the Lord”
Proverbs – The Word of God “shines God’s light on life”
Isaiah – reveals the “soon-to-come Suffering Christ”
Isaiah – the Word of the Lord will “stand/endure forever”
Jeremiah – it is “like a fire, that burns through our lives.”
Hosea – God’s Word “convicts and reveals judgment”

Jesus, the Word of God, Truth and Eternal Life (Acts)

Matthew – “You error in life by not knowing the Scriptures”
Mark – “Heaven/earth will pass away but My Words will never pass away.”
Luke – “Blessed are you who hear the Word of God and keep it.”
John – “He who believes My Word has everlasting life.”
John – “My Words are spirit and they are life.”
John – “if you continue in My Word, than you are truly my disciples.”
John – “Your Word is truth.”
John – “And you shall know the truth and the truth will set you free”

***It all adds up to the incredible, supernatural and life-changing power of the Scriptures