Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

Luke 11:37-54

Jay Grant’s message on Luke 11:37-54

Sermon Notes:

Luke 11:37-54
37 As Jesus was speaking a Pharisee invited him to lunch and he went in and sat down at the table. 38 The Pharisee became  offended when he noticed Jesus didn’t wash his hands before the meal. 39 And Jesus said to him, “You Pharisees clean the outside of the cup but inside you are filthy, full of evil and wickedness. 40 Fools! Didn’t the Lord make the inside as well as the outside? 41 Clean the inside by giving to the poor and you will be purified.”

42 “Woe to you Pharisees, for you are careful to tithe even from your garden, but you ignore justice and the love of God. 43 Woe to you Pharisees, for you love the best seats in the synagogue and respectful greetings in the market places. 44 “Woe to you for you are like unmarked graves with people walking over them, not knowing the corruption underneath.”

45 A Mosaic scholar responded and said, “Teacher, you insult us too in what you are saying.” 46 And Jesus said, “Woe to you scribes as well. You crush men with stifling rules and regulations but you completely ignore them yourselves. 47 Woe to you, for you build monuments to the prophets and it was your fathers who killed them. 48 And you give approval to what they have done. 49 This is what God in His wisdom said about you, “I will send prophets and apostles and they will be persecuted and killed.

50 Thus this generation will be held responsible for the killing of God’s prophets from the beginning of time, 51 from the murder of Abel to Zechariah, who was killed in God’s house. 52 Woe to you religious scholars, you do not embrace the knowledge of God yourselves but worse, you prevent others from entering.”

53 And as Jesus was leaving the Pharisee’s house, the Pharisees and scribes were enraged and began provoking Him with questions on many subjects, 54 plotting against Jesus, hoping to seize upon something to accuse Him.
CCT – Clearest Compilation Translation NAS/MR/AMP/NLT/JG

10 Signs You’re Becoming A Pharisee
1.      You are more inclined to see what is wrong with people than what is right.

2.      You judge or criticize others for exactly what you do, or used to do

3.      You love to look good, to be noticed by others, thought of as important

4.      You’re unable to accept criticism, to be corrected, and you’re defensive

5.      You often complain, criticize and find fault with others and the church

6.      You rarely, ever feel a need to repent of personal sin

7.      All your Christian friends look just like you

8.      You’re self-righteous and condescending; you act hyper-spiritual

9.       You are legalistic; you live by rules; you think going to church makes you right with God

10. You wear a mask; what you are in front of people is not what you are at home

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