Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

Psalm 150

Jay Grant’s message on Psalm 150

Sermon Notes:

Seven Hebrew Words for Praise

Halal – is a primary Hebrew root word for praise. Our word “hallelujah” comes from it. It means ” extreme boasting, to rave over someone, to celebrate exuberantly, to loudly glorify.”
Yadah – “to worship/praise, in absolute surrender, with lifted hands, loudly proclaiming the wonder of God.”
Towdah – “to declare openly and freely, a sacrifice of praise, emphasizing thanksgiving.”
Zamar – “to give praise to the Lord with musical instruments or by heartfelt singing.”
Shabach – “loudly giving adoration, shouting, vigorous clapping, even yelling in praise of God.”
Tehillah – “spontaneous high praises, lauding the Lord passionately with songs of the Spirit.”
Barak – “to kneel down, to bless God as an act of adoration, daily, regularly, and often.”

Why Praise Is Difficult For Many Of You

1.      You’re too self-conscious – you are embarrassed to show emotion; the frozen chosen
2.      You’re overly reserved/introverted – its difficult and awkward to open up; to get loose
3.      Coming with the wrong purpose – for you to be blessed; but praise is about God, not you.
4.      Distractions – not focused on God; thinking about other things; the game, a movie, surfing
5.      A critical spirit – you’re a spiritual temperature taker; lots of things going on annoy you; you don’t like lifted hands, or the song selection, the electronic instruments, the art on the wall, levi’s; too much bugs you
6.      Sin – you can’t sin all week and praise God well; you can’t be angry or bitter or looking at pornography or fighting with your spouse or giving God no time and expect to praise easily on Sunday
7.      You underestimate God – if you really knew how awesome God is, praise would flow easily; revelation
8.      You’re bummed – life is hard; you’re complaining, irritated, angry at God, out of sorts; “woe is me”